To assess how its teaching assistants are performing, the statistics department at a large university randomly selects three of its teaching assistants each week and sends a faculty member to visit their classes. The current list of 20 teaching assistants is given below.
01. Bautista 06. Frazier 11. Miller 16. Walters
02. Bolen 07. Kumar 12. Podboy 17. Wang
03. Clottey 08. Lam 13. Roy 18. Weimer
04. Counts 09. Lovesky 14. Schumacher 19. Yu
05. Draper 10. Marin 15. Tower 20. Zhang
The department examines the first 13 two-digit groups in line 116 of Table A. Line 116 is:
14459 26056 31424 80371 65103 62253 50490 61181.
The first 13 two-digits groups are: 14, 45, 92, 60, 56, 31, 42, 48, 03, 71, 65, 10, and 36.
Which of the following teaching assistants would the sample consist of?
Clottey, Marin, and Schumacher
Draper, Marin, and Schumacher
Bautista, Counts, and Draper
Schumacher, Counts, and Draper
Answer: A.
Clottey, Marin, and Schumacher